Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Facts About HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
- HPV is a common virus that can cause cancers in both men and women
- Without vaccination, 80% of adults will have an HPV infection at some point in their life
- In most people, the virus is harmless and causes no symptoms so you may be unaware that you have it
- It is mainly spread by skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity
- Vaccination against HPV infection has been available for many years and protects against HPV cancers
- The vaccine is free for the following groups:
- From January 2017, girls and boys aged 9 to 26 years inclusive can receive HPV Immunisation FREE as part of the Ministry of Health’s HPV Immunisation Programme
- In 2017, Gardasil 9 will be offered to year 8 students (12 year olds), both boys and girls, in participating schools through a funded school-based vaccination programme
- For females and males aged 9-26 years who do not get vaccinated at school, Gardasil will be available free of charge through their GP or Health Care Provider
Please give our nurses a call on 07 855 2079 if you would like more information about the HPV vaccine.
Useful Websites: